Com muito pouca informação emergindo hoje sobre a grande explosão [en] em Damasco, na Síria, um blogueiro que estava no local correu para o seu computador para descrever para o mundo o cenário de caos e devastação que ele presenciou.
Medad [ar], da Síria, estava a alguns minutos do local da explosão e nos apresenta um relato próprio de testemunha ocular do que aconteceu:
صباح هذا اليوم 27/09/2008 هز انفجار شديد العاصمة سورية دمشق على بعد مئتين متر من سيارتي التي كنت استقلها من منطقة السيدة زينب صباح هذا اليوم باتجاه دمشق عبر مفصل (المتحلق الجنوبي) أي قبل حوالي عشرين دقيقة من الآن تماماً..
الانفجار لم يكن مسموعاً بقدر ما كان محسوساً فقد قفزت السيارة التي كنت استقلها الى الهواء لمسافة نصف متر تقريباً ثم جلست على الأرض في حالة ذهول مني.. ناهيك عن صوت الانفجار الضخم الذي يجب ان يكون مسموعاً الى مسافة بعيدة جداً.. وعند المرور عند موقع الحادث الذي كان قرب الثكنة العسكرية التي تُدعى على حسب قول السائق (قسم الدوريات) كانت أشلاء تتطاير في المكان عددت منها قطع لأربع اشخاص إضافة الى جثة مرمية على طرف الشارع وجرحى لا يحصى عددهم..
الانفجار كبير جداً وما زالت سيارة تحترق في الجوار وحائط كبير قد سقط من الثكنة العسكرية اضافة الى اشجار كاملة قد هبطت على كلا الطرفين وقطع بشرية متناثرة في الجوار وسيارات الاسعاف تنطلق بسرعة جنونية وقد اخلت بالفعل عدداً منهم..
الحقيقة لم اشعر بالخوف بقدر ما شعرت بالاسف لما حدث والحمد لله انني كنت بعيداً عن تلك النقطة حتى ولو على بعد مئتي متر، وكما آمنت دائماً لكل إنسان وقته وأظن أن وقتي لم يحن بعد..
عذراً أحب أن أقول بأن الانفجار غير ناتج عن (جرة غاز) أو (انفجار سيارة) بحادث أو أي كذبة أخرى قد تخرج بها الحكومة.. الانفجار كبير اسقط حائطا كاملاً من الثكنة العسكرية والانفجار خارج الثكنة على الشارع تماماً وليس داخلها، وهناك سيارات محترقة وجثث وأموات والعديد من الجرحى.. والوقت كان حوالي الثامنة إلا ربعاً من صباح اليوم أي قبل نصف ساعة من الآن تماما..
سأوافيكم بالتفاصيل فيما بعد..
عذرا لان التدوين غير محبوكة النص بسبب السرعة..
حفظ الله هذا الوطن من كل شر..
Dania [en], da Síria, tem um post chamado 17. Ela escreve:
17 people are killed… and no one knows any thing, no news agency knows any thing, no further details but … 17 people are killed.
200kg of explosive… who, how, and why…
17 people are killed…I can't think right now, my brother was on his way to the airport.They say it might be an assassination, and they say it might be only a threat to the national security.
17 people are killed
17 pessoas foram moras… Não posso nem pensar, meu irmão estava a caminho do aeropoto. Dizem que pode ter sido um assassinato, e dizem que pode ser apenas uma ameaça para a segurança nacional.17 mortos
Sasa [en], enquanto isso, se atualiza dos rumores e traz as últimas notícias:
So, it's been a few minutes since the bomb, and already people are spending their time wishing up conspiracy theories based on their filthy politics, instead of thinking about the fact that seventeen lives have been lost.
Here's what I've heard already:
- The bomb was near the Sidi Kadad Intelligence Headquarters, responsible for monitoring Palestinians in Damascus – it must be Palestinians taking revenge
- The bomb was on the airport road – it must be Israelis trying to hurt a symbol of national significance
- The bomb was in Sayida Zeinab – it must be the Iraqi problem being exported
- The bomb was trying to undermine the stability of the Syrian government – it must be the Americans
- The bomb was revenge for the killing of a top government official last month – it must be the Syrians
- The bomb was revenge for the killing of Hizbollah official Imad Mughniya – it must be the Lebanese
- The bomb follows other attacks across Syria by religious extremists – it must be Al Qaeda
Just think about the dead – instead of how the attack supports your filthy view of the world.
- A bomba estava perto do Sidi Kadad, Sede do Serviço Secreto, responsável pelo monitoramento dos palestinos em Damasco – deve ter sido os palestinos se vingando
- A bomba estava na estrada do aeroporto – deve ter sido os israelenses tentando abalar um significante símbolo nacional
- A bomba estava em Sayida Zeinab – deve ser o problema iraquiano sendo exportado
- A bomba estava tentando minar a estabilidade do governo sírio – Deve ter sido os americanos
- A bomba foi uma vingança pela morte de um funcionário governamental no início no mês passado – deve ter sido os sírios
- A bomba foi uma vingança pela morte do oficial do Hezbollah Imad Mughniya – deve ter sido os libaneses
- A bomba vem na seqüência de outros ataques em toda a Síria por extremistas religiosos – deve ter sido o Al Qaeda
Basta pensar sobre os mortos – em vez de como o ataque apóia a sua visão imunda do mundo.
E o especialista em assuntos sírios Joshua Landis [en] linca para um artigo no Telegraph dando a notícia. Os comentaristas responderam rapidamente a esse post.
Offended disse:
Very disturbing news. What kind of a sick ideology or agenda is behind such attacks?
E IDAF respondeu:
Luckily it is a weekend and no children were in the damaged elementary school in the location.
Syrian TV was the only source of information and footage so far. Some images here:
Do país vizinho Egito, Zeinobia [en] explica:
This is the first terrorist act that targets the Syrian civilians since a long time. Also it comes after a serious of mysterious
assignationsassassinations took place across the country. Not to mention it comes at the same time the Syria seems to regain power in the region.Till now the message behind this blast is not obvious , it is for sure sent to the Syrian regime but for what ?? For its Relations with Iran or the regime itself !!??