Este post faz parte da nossa cobertura especial Protestos na Síria em 2011 [en]
A blogueira e ativista síria Marcell Shahwaro, de Aleppo, perdeu sua mãe, Marianne Hhawwaro, quando defensores do governo atiraram contra o carro em que ela estava, na manhã de 17 de junho. Internautas de diversas partes do mundo escreveram suas condolências para a amiga pela perda.
De Beirute, a co-fundadora e diretora da Arab Digital Expression Foundation [ar], Ranwa Yehia, escreveu no twitter:
@ranwayehia: when tragedy hits home, all of a sudden the pain of thousands accumulating hits in one big wave & crushes u RIPMarianne
Em três tweets, Yehia cita Marcell, em reação à morte da mãe da blogueira:
١/٢: اول تعليق للمدونة السورية مارسيل شحوارو بعد استشهاد والدتها برصاص النظام ليلة البارحة في #حلب: “كل الوقت كنت متوقعة الموقف يكون بالعكس.
٢/٣: تابع “أنو أنا اللي عم روح عالموت برجليي استشهد وتبكي عليي وكنت دايما اقنعها انو تتذكر أنو هاد خياري وقضيتي وما تزعل عليي!”
٣/٣: تابع “بس أبداً ما كنت متوقعة الوجع يكون بالعكس”
Em post de 27 de Maio, Marcell escreveu:
عندي أم كلما بتفتح عالأورينت ، بتدور ع وشي بين صور اللي استشهدو او اعتقلو .. وأمي بتحبني قد ما أمك بتحبك ،
وبجي بشوف عيونها هالقد من البكي لما بتسمع ” وأني طالع اتظاهر ودماتي بإيديا وان جيتك يما شهيد ما تبكين عليا “.
Rahaf Guenbaz compartilhou no Twitter uma captura de tela do Facebook de Marcell. Na sua atualização, ela escreveu:
They suspected the car my mother was in with another young woman and a young man because the car was being driven in the opposite direction on a street which didn't have a sign which said which direction traffic was supposed to flow in. The guards whose guns had ammunition did not care…to shoot in the air .. to shoot at the car tires .. they insisted on shooting the car. The car escaped the shooting and passed them. They discovered it was a car, whose occupants did not fire at them but the person who took the decision to shoot continued to shoot. Shooting means shooting..
So the guards, who are members of the party, shoot the car from behind. That simple.
This bullet cost my mother her life and prevented her from being in my life.
To those who believe that it is armed gangs. It is armed gangs who killed my mother. They are the armed gangs who make up this regime.
Então os guardas, que são membros do partido [Baath], atiraram contra a traseira do carro. Simples assim.
E essa bala custou a morte de minha mãe e impediu que ela estivesse comigo.
Para aqueles que acreditam que foram gangues armadas, foi uma gangue armada que matou minha mãe. São as gangues armadas que compõem este regime.
Os internautas de todo mundo transmitiram seus sinceros pêsames a Marcell pela sua perda, via Facebook e Twitter.
Este post faz parte da nossa cobertura especial Protestos na Síria em 2011 [en]