Não faz muito tempo Angelina Jolie se mostrava “mais preocupada” [en] com a recepção de seu filme de estreia como diretora, In the Land of Blood and Honey [Na Terra de Sangue e Mel, em inglês] na Bósnia e na Sérvia do que nos Estados Unidos [en]. Ela estava ansiosa à espera das reações das plateias locais, retratadas em seu drama de guerra, e alguns de seus temores acabaram sendo justificados.
Se por um lado o público bósnio recebeu com entusiasmo [bs] esta história de amor que se passa na guerra, entre um policial sérvio e uma muçulmana bósnia, por outro, a mídia sérvia lançou uma verdadeira guerra contra a atriz americana, acusando-a de espalhar ódio contra os sérvios.
O diário sérvio Kurir deu início a uma série de artigos [sr] que danificaram seriamente a boa reputação de Jolie na Sérvia:
Angelina claims in the movie that 300,000 Muslims were killed in the Bosnian war and 50,000 Muslim women were raped. The actress intends to seek the abolition of Republika Srpska as a genocidal creation. All of this was commissioned by the extreme Islamic policies, presenting Serbs as criminals, killers, murderers and rapists, and Muslims as the only victims.
Ao explicar a razão para o suposto viés pró-muçulmano de Jolie, o jornal afirmou [sr] que o filme contou com o apoio financeiro dos sauditas com investimentos diretos de US$ 10 milhões:
It is generally known that Jolie is very close to politicians in Washington. Maybe she would like the public to think it is an art film, but it is actually pure anti-Serbian propaganda. The director sends a message to the audience that Serbs are crazy wild beasts, while Muslims are innocent victims.
Momir Stojanovic, ex-diretor da Agência Militar Sérvia de Inteligência, também deu apoio às declarações do Kurir de que extremistas muçulmanos teriam financiado o projeto de Angelina e disse que “estavam bem próximos da verdade”.
O jornal sérvio desencadeou milhares de votos pró-sérvia, negativos, no imdb.com, um dos mais respeitados sítios na internet de classificação de filmes, causando uma queda drástica da nota do filme, de uma média de 5.4 para 3.3.
Muito rapidamente a página do filme de Jolie no imdb.com tornou-se um campo de batalha virtual entre sérvios e muçulmanos. (Nos últimos dias, entretanto, 11 páginas de comentários foram, de alguma forma, reduzidas a cinco).
Sanja_Cancar diz:
Angelina needs to stick to the topics she knows about, ei: ruining marriages, stealing husbands, adopting children from around the world, wearing blood. Instead, she chose the ironic path of a “peace-ambassador” that gets involved in politics she knows nothing about and creates movies that will only create more hatred… […]
Vitezbg faz a seguinte observação:
Movie is full of political manipulations, lies, false informations etc.[…] Also 50.000 raped Muslim women is very disputed. It is famous case when ‘raped Sarajevo woman’, gave birth of African child. Actually the father in this case was member of UN personal. […]
Johnny NT conclui:
Well done Angie, Goebbels and Hitler would be proud of you and your fascinating work on this movie. […]
rudeedee2 pergunta:
How could these people dare think to make a movie (“entertainment”) of such a horribly devastating situation ??? Seems only money is important. […] Would Angelina Jolie want to think her family has gone through hell and lost every semblance of normalcy, experienced fear, heartbreak, death and devastation only to find a so-called movie producer sees it as an artistic capital?
psysd3 recorda Angelina sobre os crimes cometidos por seu próprio povo:
[…] From the very beginning, by coming to America's soil on which it is estimated that, in 1500s, there were about 12 000 000 Native Americans whose number is reduced to nearly 237 000 by 1900s […]
Alex_Michael revela:
I guess I expected too much of Angelina. She might have black hair, but the movie sure look like put together by a blonde. Serbian Nazis who don't have problem killing anything from pets to babies on one side, and good Muslims on the other side… Example is Srebrenica where Serbs committed crimes by taking revenge after number of Serbian villages around Srebrenica were completely wiped out, and their inhabitants killed by Muslims from Srebrenica. This was well described in Norwegian documentary “Srebrenica, a Town Betrayed”.
A comunidade muçulmana bósnia se opõe, on-line, aos comentários sérvios e apoia o filme de Jolie.
f_s mostra-se agradecido à Angelina:
[…] Thank you Ms. Jolie for being the voice of the women depraved, humiliated and tortured. I recommend to everyone to see the movie especially women around the globe, to hear the unspoken, to witness the hidden. […]
Sibaak acrescenta:
[…] We, the Bosnians do not hate. We are the most peaceful nation in the world, and thats why the facts of that war are so brutal! Because we didn't believe it could happen. We didn't believe that our friends would turn against us, rape us, kill our children, take over our houses. But they did. We that lived to tell, still, just like me, believe there are good Serbs. But what really hurts is to see how many people, just like on here, people that do not have even slightest idea of the truth, are so blind, and so hateful, because it tells me that they would do it all over again. In a way I feel its good that they are showing their real faces. Showing how ignorant they are. […]
Mela Fatkic expressa seu agradecimento à Jolie na página do filme no Facebook. Ela escreve:
Angelina thank you for this film, but we can not forget what it was. Thank you for the truth which not many people to reconcile, and nobody believes until they see…
Dino Gligic compartilha esta opinião:
Angelina, thank you so much for telling the world the truth about what Serbs did. It was worse than in that movie…
Nat Taschetti Garcia Angie admite seu desconhecimento e indaga :
I just graduate on high school and i never learned about Bosnian war as i never learned about refugee camps. Do you feel like something has to be done in education, as a mom and as an activist?
Frustrada com a reação furiosa dos sérvios, Jolie respondeu no Twitter:
Is it possible that the entire nation believes a concocted story from trash @KurirVesti magazine based on fake email from imaginary person?”
No entanto, uns poucos dias depois este tweet foi apagado, e um novo apareceu:
Don't express your love for own nation, race, religion, etc… by hating others.
No outro lado, Kurir retirou o artigo de tom ameaçador: “Os sérvios declararam guerra contra a atriz: você não sabe o que te aguarda, Angelina” [“Serbs declared war on the actress: you do not know what awaits for you Angelina”, em português] do sítio oficial do jornal, publicado em resposta ao tweet ofensivo de Jolie.
Jolie também fez este apelo pelo Twitter:
Don't believe everything you read… “They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers”.
Numa entrevista à Slobodna Evropa, Jolie expressou sua afeição pela Bósnia, dizendo que “é fácil se apaixonar pela Bósnia”:
I would not have created this film if Bosniaks hadn't agreed with the screenplay. I would have burned it…
Zeljko Mitrovic, o proprietário da Pink TV, é um dos sérvios mais influentes que havia, no princípio, condenado Jolie por causa de seus preconceitos contra os sérvios e havia, até mesmo, se retirado do projeto do filme. Agora, no entanto, ele mudou de opinião:
It is wrong to attack Angelina now when the movie is finished. We could have changed something before they started making the film. Now it is pointless to generate hostility. That thing cannot be changed by additional antagonisms. She should be invited to Belgrade because people like her can help us in the future to improve the image of ourselves in the world. I invite Angelina to come to Serbia and to be a guest of TV Pink.