Este post é parte de nossa cobertura especial dos Protestos na Líbia em 2011.
Enquanto a carnificina e o horror que assolam a Líbia continuam dominando nossas timelines, Youssef Al Qaradawi, principal líder islâmico, lançou uma fatwa (decreto islâmico) pedindo que quem quer que tenha a oportunidade de puxar o gatilho, que atire contra o coronel Muammar Kadafi e acabe assim com o sofrimento do povo líbio.
Por sua vez, os países vizinhos Egito e Tunísia, que por meio de revoltas populares derrubaram Hosni Mubarak e Zein El Abdideen Ben Ali, respectivamente, abriram as suas fronteiras para que a ajuda humanitária chegue à Líbia, cujo cidadãos enfrentam ataques por parte do regime de Gaddafi.
Veja algumas das reações no Twitter:
@sultanalqassemi: Al Qaradawi: I am issuing a Fatwa now to kill Gaddafi. To any army soldier, to any man who can pull the trigger & kill this man to do so.
@sultanalqassemi: Qaradawi praying live on Al Jazeera for the end of Gaddafi.
@acarvin: Let's say another government decided to intervene. What would they do to help? Get intel on Gaddafi's location and send a drone his way?
@ShahiraElKady: Can we donate blood for Libya? And send it across tomorrow by ambulances ? #Libya #Egypt #Jan25 Lets dooo that pleaaasee
@habibahamid: They don't know their own ambassadors are urging intervention. They don't shoot out of patriotism.But they must be told they've already lost
@litfreak: I've never prayed for anyone's death before but, at this point, I want one of Gaddafi's men to off him and end this massacre.
@ceoDanya: 100 percent confirmed reports from someone on the ground working for a Oil services firm that there are oil rigs burning in Libya #OILPRICES
@hellodrama666: The photos of dead protest that aljazeera show was horrible, it's absolutely a blood bath there, Allah protect them all #Libya #Feb17
@libya_16: The streets of Feshloom are paved with blood right now, it's a massacre – confirmed via phone – telephone lines up in #Libya
@tololy: Egypt and Tunisia open borders with #Libya to let aid and supplies in.
@OnlyOneLibya: Reports that the Egyptian army is finally allowing medical aid through the Libyan Egyptian border. #Egypt #Libya #Tripoli
@Ara2fat: @JustAmira Egyptian aid convoys moving towards #Libya. Egyptian tribes sent aid to Libya. Also many Egyptian doctors went to Libya.
@Ramadhan2015: Dictator of #Libya, #Muammar Gaddafi kills Libyan pilots that refuse to bomb protesters and replaces them with African mercenaries #feb17
@BaghdadBrian: Plenty of video and audio content coming out at please check it out! #Libya @AliveIn
@knitmeapony: I can't read more. I can't watch more. They're killing doctors and stealing blood supplies. Shooting children. Bombing civilians. #Libya
Este post é parte de nossa cobertura especial dos Protestos na Líbia em 2011.
2 comentários
Vamos parar de hipocrisia, a monarquia tem que cair é no mundo, principalmente na europa. Se não fica fácil pro Gaddafi, e só ele se declarar rei e instituir monarquia constitucional parlamentar e se perpetuar ele e sua casta na vaidade da luxúria do poder! Como Inglaterra, Mônaco, Espanha, Suécia e por aí vai.