Esse post é parte de nossa cobertura especial dos Protestos em Bahrein em 2011.
Por volta das 3h da madrugada, horário de Bahrein, enquanto os manifestantes dormiam na Rotatória Pérola, tropas da polícia atacaram os cidadãos usando armas, bombas de gás lacrimogênio e abusando do uso da força – SEM ADVERTÊNCIA.
Veja algumas reações do Twitter:
@emile_hokayem: Riot police now in control of lulu roundabout. That was quick. 20 mins
@hhusaini: Riot police shooting everywhere, tear gas everywhere, they have blocked everyone in , kids, women everyone #lulu #bahrain #feb14
@chanadbh: RIGHT NOW in #Bahrain, Pearl Roundabout RT @FroozyO: They're shooting they're shooting. Tear gas everywhere. People running everywhere
@emile_hokayem: Police coming from under the bridge and seaside. Demonstrators running inland. Towards my building n road to salmaniyah n road to Dana mall
@chanadbh: Riot police are shooting aimlessly at anyone. They have closed us in and we can't escape. Tear gas everywhere. …
@iamwaleed: @iamwaleed Lulu roundabout is being attacked RIGHT NOW. Riot police shooting everywhere. Closing in the people so they can't leave
@draddee: #Bahrain RT @emile_hokayem: Riot police made it under my building. So much tear gas used that I feel it on the 14th floor!!!
@bintbattuta: Helicopters overhead. I am the other side of town but I can hear the yells and explosions
@draddee: #Bahrain RT @emile_hokayem Police using tear gas and sound grenades. Very confusing. Most demonstrators have left but I see and hear anger
@draddee: it's just past 3 am in #Bahrain RT @emile_hokayem Riot police charging. Crowd running away. Speaker stopped talking.
@asteris: RT @emile_hokayem Ataque do batalhão de choque. Multidão correndo. Alto-falante calado. Polícia usa gás lacrimogênio, granadas de som. Muito confuso
@maryamalkhawaja: Women are running carrying their children
@emile_hokayem: If I feel it that much on 14th floor, I can only imagine how it feels down there
@emile_hokayem: Se senti tão forte assim do 14º andar, só posso imaginar como está lá embaixo
@SuadAK: People running they're attacking. Closing roads. Police everywhere
Esse post é parte de nossa cobertura especial dos Protestos em Bahrein em 2011.
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