Este post é parte de nossa cobertura especial Protestos no Egito em 2011.
Figura da oposição egípcia, Mohamed El Baradei fez uma curta visita a milhares de manifestantes anti-Mubarak, acampados na praça Tahrir, no Cairo, a poucos minutos atrás.
Segue o buzz gerado pela visita:
@Mme_Bavarde RT @sharifkouddous: Baradei seen as non-corrupt, is respected. But he lived away too long, didn't join earlier protests & this revolt was done w/o his help
@sharifkouddous People handing out bread to each other. Sitting and chanting. Waiting for Baradei. #Egypt
@mikeedwards606 RT @parvezsharma: SO TRUE! @gharbeia Tahrir sq #Baradei isn't addressing people but journalists while most people are praying in a different direction #Jan25
@tameryaza the nightmare of #Mubarak , Mohamad El-Baradei joined demonstrators this evening in the “Liberation square” … #egypt #tunisia #turkey #usa
@Dima_Khatib Al Baradei is reported to be already leaving Tahrir Square, or may have already left.. his point is? A cordial visit? #egypt #cairo #jan25
@whisper1111 RT @jeremyscahill: Whoa RT @sharifkouddous People saying Baradei fainted or something and went home. People standing up and leaving disappointed. #Egypt
@FromJoanne RT @parvezsharma: Before I take a break. Ponder this pls. #Baradei is always more interested in talking w/Western journos not people of #Egypt #Jan25
@Nashmiyya RT @lo2lu2a: #Baradei 2 protesters: “We r in an new era” “What we have begun can't turn back”. Is he hijacking it & appointing himself as leader? #egypt
@ShugsssRT @IAmTheStarchild: @shugsss Baradei is a clown trying to jack the revolution. That's all that needs to be known. ;)
@NooRSR RT @mzaher: btw, El Baradei has an official twitter account @elbaradei. #justsaying #Egypt #Jan25
@SocialistViews El-Baradei's history is of a moderate who's been against direct confrontation with the #Mubarak regime #p2 #jan25
@EvilLolly: Its just my opinion lol, but i have doubts about Baradei The question everyone shd be asking is what has he done to deserve to lead?!
@0ssarian42 RT @syrianews: Baradei is a gift to mubarak-he's dividing opposition RT @Sandmonkey: left protest shortly after baradei joined, thousands still there
@ruwaisreviews RT @EhabZ: Once the Pharaoh falls, El-Baradei should serve as a temporary interim leader, and give way to elections in the very near future.
@oasanchez RT @democracynow: RT @sharifkouddous: Some want Baradei to be in type of transitional gov't. Feelings are mixed.
Este post é parte de nossa cobertura especial Protestos no Egito em 2011.
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