Alun McDonald e David McKenzie atualizam o Twitter com as últimas notícias [em inglês] diretamente do Sudão do Sul, onde eleitores estão indo às urnas votar em um referendo para decidir se a região deve permanecer parte do Sudão ou tornar-se independente.
De 5 horas de fila, restam eleitores pingados:
Only a trickle of voters now at John Garang’s Mausoleum. 5 hour queues on Sunday, now in and out in 5 mins #Sudanref
Um eleitor com uma perna estilhaçada por bala:
A war vet in 70s with a leg shattered by a bullet one of the 1st to vote. “I have to…I have to, even through this hardship.” #sudanref
Voto pela liberdade e o adeus ao Norte:
Bumped into an old friend from Khartoum in Juba market – he just returned home to “vote for freedom & say goodbye to the North”
Um expatriado russo cozinhando em um restaurante em Juba:
Russian expat in Juba cooking his own eggs at the breakfast line, Kenyan chef looks on: hilarious #sudan – These 70 year old voted this morning along the white nile early today #sudanref
Rostos risonhos e dedos manchados de tinta:
Back in Juba to lots of smiling faces and ink-stained fingers #Sudanref
E se John Garang estivesse vivo?
How different would this week have been if John Garang was still alive – would we now be looking at unity? #Sudanref #Sudan
Testimunhos dos eleitores
Kathy, voting with her baby Duku: “I want my kid not to suffer. The suffering ends with me.” #sudanref
Hakim, on a ferry for 12 days from Khartoum, “It is my own place, my own country, I must come back to be among my people.”
Petronella, recently back from exile: ” It has given me an identity.It has shown me that I have a country now.” #sudanref
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