Quando as economias do mundo desabaram no final do ano passado, a noção de que a “maternidade” poderia vir a ser vítima dessa grave situação podia não estar na mente da maioria. No entanto, relatórios recentes indicam que as mães acabaram sendo, afinal de contas, tão afetadas pela recessão quanto o mercado de ações.
Alternativa de Renda
De acordo com o Associated Content:
With the extremely high cost of decent childcare in this country and the ongoing problem of women being unable to collect child support regularly, more and more single mothers are turning to prostitution in order to pay their bills and support themselves and their children.
O relatório indica que a Internet abriu novas oportunidades para essas senhoras. “Holly”, 25 anos, afirma:
My ex-husband was not paying child support for our four-year-old son, and I was getting desperate for money… I placed an ad on Yahoo looking for a sugar-daddy type of relationship and met a decent guy that was willing to help me out.
Isso se tornou, aparentemente, uma tendência no Japão. O Japan Today relata:
There are 1.23 million single-mother households in Japan, Health and Labor Ministry statistics show. Their average annual income, government benefits included, is 2.11 million yen—40% of the overall household average. A revised welfare law shrank entitlements in 2002. The current recession is choking off employment opportunities. For the 28-year-old woman Suzuki calls “Ruriko Kumata,” prostitution seems her only means of survival.
Não somente as mães, mas mulheres solteiras estão recorrendo à prostituição ou trabalhos como “hostess” no Japão. Notícias do Ground Report afirmam que mais mulheres jovens estão se valendo de “trabalhos como prostitutas em bares e clubes”, enquanto Nurse in Australia, um blog escrito por uma enfermeira na Austrália, relata que enfermeiras estão deixando a profissão e recorrendo à prostituição.
Em resposta a um relatório semelhante a esses, Wandaphull World, um blog que “é dedicado a todas as mulheres ‘REAIS’ do mundo”, afirma:
Ladies I know time are hard and we can barely pay our rents but this is not going to last forever, so pray and have patients. These are trying times for everyone but we still have to hold strong as women and keep our hearts, homes and body intact for we will need it all following the recession. Women are so much stronger than people give us credit for and I’m pretty sure that the “real hardworking women” of today will be as disgusted by this story as I am, yet [I] feel bad for the women who feel this is [necessary.]
Pensando e repensando sobre maternidade
Outro efeito que a recessão tem tido sobre a maternidade é que muitas mulheres estão a reconsiderando. Bester News relata da Reuters:
Worries about the economy have led many American women to think twice about having a baby, a survey released on Wednesday found, with nearly half of those surveyed saying they want to delay pregnancy or limit the number of children they have.
Leah, uma blogueira do Work It, Mom, escreve:
New York Times Magazine, WebMd, and Work It, Mom have all featured stories about how economic recessions negatively affect birth rates and the numbers of children per household. Expanding a family–whether the old-fashioned way or through fertility treatments or adoption–is expensive no matter how you cut it, and in addition to the three major costs I was stressing about last fall–maternity leave, childcare, and health insurance–there are dozens of other financial factors that might influence a couple’s decision to have a child…or not
O comentário de Erica a esta notícia no blog:
I’m almost 29 and had really hoped to have my 2 children by the time I was 30. But with this recession, its looking less likely to happen. I’m hoping maybe next year, maybe things will get better. My hubby is convinced we should just be happy with the child we have because he doesn’t think we’ll ever be able to afford another one.
Uma pesquisa recente do Guttmacher Institute ecoa estes sentimentos ao descobrir que “quase dois terços (64%) das mulheres em idade fértil das classes baixa e média nos Estados Unidos dizem não poder sustentar um bebê por causa da má situação econômica atual.”
Qual Controle de Natalidade?
O Guttmacher Institute também descobriu que as mulheres estão ou deixando de tomar as pílulas de controle de natalidade ou então adquirindo contraceptivos mais baratos para economizar nestes tempos de economia ruim. O blog Women's Rights no Care2.com declarou:
The problem is, affordable birth control is not yet regarded as a fundamental right in this country… This isn't just about getting access to the pill – it's about basic women's health needs like pap smears or pelvic exams. And when the government is considering how it can help Americans weather the recession, family planning and reproductive health need to be high priorities.
Café Kim, no blog Healthy Living Buzz, escreveu:
I found the results of this survey alarming because if these women can't afford birth control, how will they afford the cost of having a child? What can be done about this?
Octobersmom, em resposta a Café Kim, escreveu:
[A] child is a hell of a lot more expensive than a baby! If you can't afford BC then, joy of joys, the rest of the country can pay for your baby because you couldn't keep your pants on.
Para Francine Huff no Wallet Pop, famílias batalhadoras já consideram a possibilidade de doar seus bebês porque não conseguem pagar por sua criação. Além disso, Wallet Pop relata que agências de adoção alegam que houve um aumento no número de inquéritos por mulheres que estão pensando em dar seus bebês para adoção. Com esses como alguns exemplos de como a recessão tem afetado a maternidade, talvez mais será feito no caminho da recuperação.