De acordo com estimativas iniciais, há 100.000 passageiros detidos [en] na Tailândia depois que manifestações anti-governo lideradas pelo People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) [en] [Aliança do Povo pela Democracia] [en] forçaram o fechamento dos dois principais aeroportos de Bangkok. Os manifestantes negaram-se a evacuar o aeroporto; exigem, primeiro, que o Primeiro Ministro da Tailândia entregue o cargo.
Os manifestantes tomaram conta de dois aeroportos essa semana: o Aeroporto de Suvarnabhumi (o novo aeroporto da Tailândia) e o Aeroporto Internacional de Don Mueang.
A indústria do turismo é a principal vítima. Esta é a alta estação e a Tailândia é um dos principais pontos de conexão na Ásia. Os planos de viagem de centenas de milhares de turistas do mundo todo foram afetados.
A maioria dos passageiros detidos não se encontra retida dentro [en] dos aeroportos; provavelmente estão hospedados em hotéis no centro de Bangkok. Muitos hotéis estão oferecendo acomodação gratuita [en] para turistas que permanecem mais tempo. Quanto aqueles permanecem dentro dos aeroportos, a situação não é boa. Andrew Wood, do Chaophya Park Hotel & Resort de Bangok, revela [en]:
Bangkok based tour operators visiting the airport since early this morning report that the hygiene situation at the airport is quickly deteriorating with limited toilets and washrooms. Food outlets also are struggling to keep up with demand with food supplies dwindling. This is likely to become critical if PAD supporters block supply routes.
Quais são as opiniões de alguns dos passageiros presos nos aeroportos, de residentes de Bangkok e de manifestantes, agora mundialmente mal vistos?
Richard Hosier [en] que esteve na Tailânida com sua família está muito furioso:
I am stuck here in Thailand with my wife and children after choosing to holiday here. We can't get home so I like to say thank you to the kind people of Thailand who try to help us and thanks to the PAD who show once again that their actions are designed to hold hostage the Kingdom of Thailand in order to achieve their un-democratic demands.
Kenny [en] não está assim tão bravo com as manifestações de protesto:
I am safe and the protests are quite localized around the airports in Bangkok. While many tourists are starting to scramble and are a bit peeved about the airport delays, most people seem more discouraged about the unseasonal rain at the beaches.
Go East Young Woman desencoraja [en] os amigos que queiram visitar a Tailândia no momento:
It’s not so much dangerous right now as potentially dangerous, but it’s very inconvenient to be a tourist in Thailand right now. Both Bangkok airports are closed. Many people are stranded there. The PAD doesn’t seem to be taking hostages or anything like that, but a situation like that could easily turn volatile. I wouldn’t risk my safety there unless I had to. The mob keeps protesting in new areas all the time, so even if the airports are cleared and opened again, until the situation is resolved, who knows what they will decide to block next?
“No one seems to be targeting foreigners or tourists for violence, but there is still a risk of being caught in the crossfire of a violent situation between Thais if things go bad.
“Personally, I am trying to avoid public areas with a lot of people at the moment, especially government areas.
“Ninguém parece ter como alvo de violência os estrangeiros ou turistas, mas ainda assim há um risco de ser pego no fogo cruzado de uma situação violenta entre os tailandeses se as coisas piorarem.
“Eu, pessoalmente, tento ficar longe das áreas públicas lotadas neste momento, em especial as áreas do governo”
Tuesdaynight fugirá [en] da Tailândia por trajetos alternativos:
We are currently on the island of Lanta and having a great time, all things considered. We were supposed to leave for home tonight, but Bangkok’s airport has not reopened and there are no signs it will do so for a while.
We are going to make our way to Singapore by way of Langkawi and then KL. Hopefully, we’ll he home by the 1st.
“Faremos nosso trajeto para Singapura passando por Langkawi e KL. Se tudo der certo, estaremos em casa até o dia 1º.”
Devido ao fato de que muitas companhias aéreas usam a Tailândia como local para conexões, passageiros de países vizinhos estão também retidos. Por exemplo, uma família prorrogou sua estadia em Cambódia [en] porque seus vôos haviam sido cancelados. Alguns americanos perderam as celebrações do Dia de Ação de Graças nos Estados Unidos.
Brunei Lifestyle cita o caso dos peregrinos haj [en] que ficaram retidos na Tailândia:
I was touched when I read that Thai haj pilgrims are now stranded at the Bangkok’s international airport. The report said that hundreds of Thai Muslims are now spending their third nights, fourth if tonight they are still there.
The rest of the haj pilgrims have chosen to stay at the airport but they have to make it to Mecca by next week, 2 December which is the cut-off date for the haj this season. What touches me was when they said that the pilgrimage is a test of faith but the airport chaos is already the test.
Some of them have saved all their lives for this once in a lifetime pilgrimage. Many of those stranded are elderly and frail but still hoping to be able to perform the haj this year. I wish they would all be able to make it to the holy land and have a safe journey.
“O restante dos peregrinos haj optaram por permanecer no aeroporto, mas têm que chegar a Meca até a semana que vem, 2 de dezembro que é a data limite para os haj esta estação. O que me sensibiliza foi eles terem dito que a peregrinação é um teste de fé, mas que o caos do aeroporto já é o teste.
“Alguns deles economizaram a vida toda para esta única oportunidade de peregrinação em suas vidas. Muitos daqueles que estão retidos são idosos e fisicamente frágeis, mas ainda têm esperança de que vão conseguir realizar o haj este ano. Desejo que consigam chegar a terra sagrada e fazer uma viagem segura.”
O governo da Malásia enviou aviões militares [en] para salvar seus cidadãos. O Daily Brunei Resources cancelou uma viagem de família [en] para Bangkok que aconteceria na semana que vem. Friends [en] of Ranoadidas de Brunei também não puderam viajara para a Tailândia.
Via Twitter, Kofty [en] viu alguns passageiros que estão retidos:
Meanwhile, I get my new shirts, 5 double French cuff, 5 button down. I see a few stranded tourists on Silom, but nothing else. All quiet.
Novamente do Twitter, ChrisSanderson [en] ouviu dizer que os passageiros retidos recebiam alguma compensação:
Apparently the government is giving Bangkok stranded tourist 2000 baht a day each to help out, present ticket at airport to collect cash.
Aeroporto azarento
My Thai Friend observa que o novo aeroporto encontrou problemas [en] ainda durante sua construção. Aparentementes, uma das razões citadas pelos golpitas de 2006 foi a má qualidade da construção do novo aeroporto:
There were lots of problems involving the construction, budget and Thai superstition. In fact back in September 2005 a total of 99 Buddhist monks were dispatched to the airport to help rid it of evil spirits following the “sighting” of ghosts by the construction workers.
“Problems with the runway and taxiways were discovered which eventually led to major reconstruction work. This combined with the airports inability to handle increasing traffic flow also led to the re-opening of Don Mueang for some domestic flights.
“Problemas com a pista e a área de manobra foram descobertos os quais levaram, eventualmente, a trabalhos grandes de reconstrução. Isto, combinado com a incapacidade dos aeroportos de lidar com o crescente fluxo de tráfego aéreo levou à reabertura de Don Mueang para alguns vôos domésticos.”
Carta do PAD
Muito já foi escrito sobre as agruras dos passageiros retidos; mas o que dizer sobre a situação dos manifestantes que vêm ocupando os aeroportos já há vários dias. Chuck Kuhn [en] escreve:
Despite the rising tensions, during the day, the main terminal building had an air of festivity about it. Many parents brought their children, stalls have been set up selling bright yellow alliance banners, flags and rattles, and all the food is free, much of it donated by wealthy supporters among Bangkok's business community. One stall was even giving fresh clothes to those who have been there for the duration.
“People give to us because they believe in our cause,” said Pluem Rodkaew, 33, who was handing out toiletries. “We have enough food and water to stay here for months.”
Uma carta dos manifestantes foi distribuida para os passageiros para deixar clara a sua missão [en]. Trechos da carta:
I’d like to stress here that the PAD’s policy is to use ONLY peaceful means and we have proved our intention by using only reason for the last six months.
“The aim of the PAD is to rebuild a country based on integrity, honesty, freedom from corruption and fairness for all Thais.
“We are not being paid to be here to use violence to get our way. We are not here to support a handful of corrupt politicians serving only one man who wants to divide our country. But we are here by choice, we are here to share an ideal, we are here to realize our goal which is to rebuild our country into a better place for the 60-odd million citizens. It’s actually not a question of “winning or losing” — it’s the reality of achieving what is good and right for our country — Thailand.
“O objetivo do PAD é reconstruir um país baseado em integridade, honestidade, eliminação da corrupção e justiça para todos os tailandeses.
Não estamos sendo pagos para ficar aqui e usar violência para conseguir implantar nossas idéias. Não estamos aqui para dar apoio a um punhado de políticos corruptos que servem a somente um homem que quer dividir nosso país. Mas estamos aqui por escolha, estamos aqui para partilhar um ideal, estamos aqui para concretizar nosso objetivos de reconstruir nosso país de forma a torná-lo um lugar melhor para os 60 e tantos milhoes de cidadãos. Não é, na verdade, uma questão de “ganhar ou perder” – é a realidade de alcançar o que é bom e certo para o nosso país – a Tailândia.”
Alexisthetiny não quer aceitar um pedido de desculpas [en] do PAD:
I don’t care that you now have a big ole sign at Suvarnabhumi Airport saying that you’re sorry for all inconvenience caused but you only want the current PM to step down. You haven’t just inconvenienced everyone, you’ve acted like absolute CHILDREN and have disrupted everyone’s plans. You’ve pretty much put a big fat dent in your country’s economy, but I’m guessing you could care less. Let’s just say, you haven’t very much in the way of global sympathy any more. Take your bloody protest somewhere else and let the rest of the world get on with their lives. I mean, seriously, NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE is amused. Apology NOT accepted.
Enquanto nos aeroportos a tensão continua, no centro de Bangkok tudo parece calmo por esses dias. Aaron Escobar [en] observa:
Oddly enough, life seems to be going on entirely as normal here in the city. The streets are calmer than usual – less traffic, less people out and about – but that’s about it. We continue to go to school and work every day, ride the BTS, and enjoy living downtown. It’s a strange feeling, knowing that something critical to the county’s future is happening just on the outskirts of the city, but having absolutely no effect on our daily life.
“I wonder when all this is going to end? Technically, I suppose I’m stranded in Bangkok, but if Bangkok is home, does that really count as stranded?
“Imagino quando tudo isso vai acabar. Tecnicamente, suponho, estou detido em Bangkok, mas se Bangkok é a minha casa, pode-se ainda dizer que se está detido?”
Urban Pilgrim acrescenta [en]:
Despite the turmoil though, life in Bangkok continues as usual. There are no yellow-clad PAD demonstrators on the streets. Nor are there groups of red-shirted pro-government demonstrators. One unaware of the crisis would not find evidence of it in daily life.
Sovereign Myth conclui [en] que os objetivos do PAD irão enfraquecer a democracia na Tailândia:
Sections of the PAD leadership effectively wish to replace the imperfect but majoritarian electoral democracy currently in place with one that returns Thailand to the “semi-democracy” of the 1980s, although one reconfigured as more virtuous and wise. This is the only solution some elitist liberals and conservatives can envisage in the face of the electoral strength of the pro-Thaksin forces.