Centenas de pessoas teriam morrido durante a violência que assolou Jos, no centro da Nigéria, na sexta-feira 28 de novembro, em confrontos gerados pela disputa do resultado de eleições locais.
(Foto do portal de notícias cidadão Sahara Reporters)
Saralynn, missionário baseado em Jos, descreveu [en] a situação no sábado:
I fled my house today.
David woke me up at about 06:45 to tell me he thought there was trouble. I'd heard the sirens in my sleep and realised with a start that I also heard gunshots. And the sirens were going on and on–one after another. There were local elections here yesterday, and the governor had deployed troops to keep the peace. But that was yesterday. […]
My parents’ driver/gardener came around 08:45 […]. He told us of youths on the streets, of burning tires, of soldiers, of people out with knives and big sticks.
O motorista/jardineiro de meus pais chegou em torno das 08h45 […]. Ele nos contou sobre jovens nas ruas, queima de pneus, soldados, pessoas nas ruas com facas e bastões.
Jeremy Weate do Naijablog relatou [en] que a blogueira Talatu-Carmen [en] estaria trancada em um armazém da família com uma centena de outras pessoas. Ele também postou uma carta sobre a situação na cidade, enviada pela fazenda de Zamani, em Jos, para seus clientes:
Two of our delivery staff — Audu, our head driver, and Ado, our delivery assistant — had their houses burnt down and lost all of their belongings. This afternoon I spent driving all around Jos looking for their families in some of the refugee camps set up around the town after people were evacuated from their area by the army. We finally found them, and brought them back to my compound. So we currently have about 25 refugees in the house. [..]
Moving around in Jos is not easy, and we are not sure when the situation will return to normal. Today we couldn't get to the farm (30km away from the house) because many of the roads were blocked and parts of Jos are under 24 hour curfew. Fortunately everything is normal at the farm and so far there have not been any incidents of violence in the rural areas around Jos. But it is impossible to get some items like onions and potatoes that we source locally because no one is coming in to Jos with these items. Everything in Jos — shops, markets, banks, etc.– are all closed and the city is virtually deserted. All the inhabitants are locked in their homes.
Adeola Aderounmu do blog Thy Glory O Nigeria…! acha [en] que “na Nigéria, com o passar dos anos, os políticos continuaram a misturar política e religião” e que a política da Nigéria é do tipo “o vencedor leva tudo”. Por isso, ele acredita que deva haver punição para os perpetradores de motins assassinos:
In Jos-Nigeria, hundreds of people may have lost their lives because of an election that took the dimension of religious inclination. You can imagine that ignorance remains a weapon that has been used to send innocent people to their early graves. The perpetrators of these evil acts will never be found. They will never be brought to book. In Nigeria, this type of killing usually comes with the backings of some wicked politicians. The perpetrators enjoy privileged protection or anonymity and they will be unleashed again to do the same harm in the future. This is why religious riots or political riots associated with religion remains recurring incidents in Nigeria.
Naija Pundit doMy Nigeria, por outro lado, não acha [en] que os tumultos tiveram fundo religioso:
PDP and ANPP are secular parties which do contain religious fundamentalists in them, but those elements are the exception rather than the norm when it comes time to set party policies and activities.
What is going on in Jos right now is all about the perceived politics of disenfranchisement, and not religion.
So Nigerian papers say the strife was as a result of what is being perceived as a stolen election, but the BBC takes that, twists it around, and turns it into a story of Christians vs. Muslims, obviously a story that will garner more interest in the West, but one that sets religious relations back immensely across the board.
The wonders of western media… I guess next time there is economic beef going down in the UK, Nigerian media should say it is a race war between the white anglo-saxons and their former subjects from the continent or the island…
O que está acontecendo em Jos, neste momento, tem tudo a ver com a percepção das políticas de privação, e não religião.
Então, os jornais nigerianos dizem que os conflitos são resultado do que está sendo percebido como uma eleição roubada, mas a BBC pega isso, dá uma reviravolta, e transforma a notícia numa história de cristãos contra muçulmanos, evidentemente, uma história que atrairá mais atenção no Ocidente, mas que reduz imensamente as relações religiosas em todos os campos.
As maravilhas da mídia ocidental… Acho que da próxima vez houver uma queda economica no preço da carne no Reino Unido, a imprensa da Nigéria deveria dizer que trata-se de uma guerra entre a raça branca de anglo-saxões e os seus antigos dominados do continente ou da ilha…
Osize Omoluabi do Mootbox destaca [en] que “como em todos os conflitos na Nigéria, os lados envolvidos parecem não concordar quanto à origem dele”:
Some believe it is just a bunch of mean spirited thugs being used by a few godfathers to achieve political goals. Others claim it is an all out religious /ethnic violence. I will stick to what a wise old man told me ten years ago, he said, “when it comes to sectarian violence in Nigeria, in the end, all violence in Nigeria is driven by Economics”.
E conclui:
As the unrest in Jos unfolds it is especially useful to keep in mind that Christians and Muslims live side by side in Jos and this arrangement has remained this way since these religions where introduced to the region. It is even more interesting that once this unrest passes, life will return to normal and these groups will go about their business and worship like nothing happened.
[…] It is noteworthy that if all parties involved, providing infrastructure for the government, building community and developing grass root ties for the different religious organizations, the city of Jos would not have been in its present state. Why can’t we all get along? Because there isn’t enough to go around.
[…] É de salientar que, se todas as partes se envolvessem, fornecendo infra-estrutura para o governo, construíndo a comunidade e desenvolvendo laços comunitários para as diferentes organizações religiosas, a cidade de Jos não estaria no seu estado atual. Por que não nos damos bem? Porque não há muito o que dar por aí