Uma série de manifestações nas portas de embaixadas egípcias aconteceu em todo o mundo [en] hoje, em protesto contra a continuidade da prisão do blogueiro egípcio Kareem Nabil Sulaiman, encarcerado há dois anos por ter insultado o presidente egípcio Hosni Mubarak e o Islamismo em seu blogue.
O blogueiro de 24 anos foi sentenciado a 3 anos de prisão por insultar o Islamismo e a um ano por insultar Mubarak.
De acordo com o site Free Kareem [Liberte Kareen], organizado por ativistas para lutar pela liberação do blogueiro:
Protests will take place in Washington DC, Moscow, Rome, Paris, Berlin, Bucharest, Stockholm, London, and a growing number of cities, in hopes of persuading Egyptian authorities to drop all charges against Mr. Soliman, who has reportedly been tortured in prison. November 6, 2008 marks the completion of Kareem’s second year in prison, and this is the fourth time that demonstrators around the world simultaneously protest in an effort to secure his immediate and unconditional release.
Based solely on his blogposts, Soliman is charged with the alleged crimes of “defaming Egypt’s President, incitement to hate Islam, and highlighting inappropriate aspects that harm the reputation of Egypt.” But members of the Free Kareem Coalition argue that imprisoning Kareem has severely harmed Egypt’s international reputation, and has made millions of people around the world question the country’s supposed commitment to free speech and human rights.
Os protestos aconteceram em:
* Paris, França
* Londres, Reino Unido
* Bruxelas, Bélgica
* Estocolmo, Suécia
* Berlin, Alemanha
* Bucareste, România
* Washington, DC, EUA
* New York, NY, EUA
* Roma, Itália
* Berne, Suiça
* Rhode Island, USA
* São Francisco, Califórnia
Aqui estão algumas imagens do protesto em Roma, Itália.
Em uma declaração divulgada hoje, o Repórteres sem Fonteiras [en] se uniu aos grupos de protestantes ao redor do mundo exigindo a libertação do blogueiro de 24 anos preso.
“Two years have gone by and nothing has changed. His family have never come to visit him. Only his lawyer reports to the outside world, about his morale, which weakens day after day, and his fragile state of health. His parents, probably as a result of intimidation, have even publicly disowned their son and called for him to be sentenced to death. Wardens have prevented him from leaving his cell since 1st September. Two years, that’s enough. It is time to free him”, the worldwide press freedom organisation said.
Para obter mais informações sobre Kareem e esse caso, acesse